10 Commandments of Time Management

Uncategorized Aug 02, 2017

today i will speak about 10 commandments of time mgmt


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Is it YOUR time to shine?

Uncategorized Feb 10, 2017

Do you consider yourself to be a giver?

The kind of person that gives to others, gives to their family, to their friends, to their colleagues, to their partner, to their children but time and time again forgets to put themselves first.

I don't know about you but you may have realised that this actually begins to take its toll...

on your career...
on your finances...
on your health...
on your relationships...
What do we find about givers?
Well first of all, this is what I know about you, if you do class yourself to be a giver...

it's because you in fact are a beautiful soul...
it's because you are a kind person...
it's because you do find enjoyment in helping others get happiness and fulfillment...
But what about your happiness and fulfillment?

When is it your time to start looking after your own needs first?

The thing is, when people start to think like this quite often they start to feel a little bit of guilt, or maybe even there's some shame to think "who am I to put myself first?"....

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